Delivery scheduled for 02/05/2024

Project status update

Expected work hours: 102

Worked hours: 109

Current status: Delayed by ~8h


During the development and delivery of their mechanical and electronic designs, notable delays were experienced due to a bottleneck in printing times. To mitigate these delays and keep the project on track, a contingency plan involving parallel task execution was developed, splitting the workload between home printing setups and the 3D printing facilities at the UTFPR lab. This improved efficiency and significantly reduced printing time. Additionally, in order to compensate for the delay, the team has been working in advance on the software side of the project. This concurrent approach is expected to help them catch up with the original schedule and serve as a model for avoiding similar delays in future projects.



Electronics Design


The final design for the Electronics Design, presented in the figure above, has been completed. The main components of the final design are presented in the following sections. This includes the Docking Base, which serves as the robot’s primary station, the Robot Power Supply System, designed to provide all of the required power supply for the robot operation, the Robot Motor Control, facilitating precise control over the robot’s movements and, finally, a Raspberry Pi Connection Shield, acting as a connection hub between the main controller and the many peripherals. Additionally, the Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) for each circuit of the robot have been designed, with their assembly planned to be performed in the next stages of development.

Docking Base

Robot Power Supply