Deliverable 1 - Mechanical Design

Deliver for 25/04/2024


The final version of the mechanical design of the robot is shown on the next figure. It was done thinking about all the functional and non-functional mechanical requirements done by the team. In this design most of the sensors are placed all over the chassi of the robot for the purpose of reading the environment better. The heaviest components of the robot are going to be placed on the first ground of the robot as this will help the robot move more stable.

The robot’s container, for storing the balls, will be placed on top of the robot and is highlighted in yellow on the 3D model above.

In the next image, it’s possible to see the return base designed for the robot, so it can unload all the balls collected from a cycle and later the user can easily collect them as they are placed in a basket. This return base have a infrared LED to help the robot recognize it and a internal space to fit all the necessary eletronic.

Main dimensions

The dimensions of the robot are done by thinking in the process of collecting balls, based on the requirements, and in the electronic components decided to be used in this project, such as sensors, motors and PCB’s. The biggest component in this project by far is the vacuum motor, that’s going to be used to generate the negative pressure that will make the balls be collected. For that, there is an entire room only for this component.

In the following figures it’s possible to see the main dimensions of the robot designed and its several compartments.

The design showed above can meet the requirements listed:





